Thread: Double base ?
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Old Tue Aug 07, 2001, 03:34pm
oppool oppool is offline
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Red face My Thoughts

Okay guys by your answers I know you are going to disagree with my reasoning here but in the above situation I am going to call the runner out.

The whole thing with the double-base is for saftey but I have called over 1000 games in slow-pitch over the last 3 years in have yet seen a offensive team properly appeal the missed base situation on this when the runner only hits white. First, F3 playing his position properly and strectching for the catch is never going to see if the runner hits white or orange the only real member of the offensive team that is going to have a good view of this in most situations will be the pitcher. Now if F3 doesnt know how to play the position and puts his foot on top of the bag instead of touching the side then he is much more likely to draw the contact for the interference call and the auto out. So are we teaching the offenses with this message that F3 should improperly play his position?? I know our duty is to enforce the rules as they are written but sometimes......


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