If you are interested in learning to become a referee
for Men's Lacrosse, please email
mailto:[email protected].
The pay won't let you quit your day job, but the work
is very rewarding. Lacrosse is the fastest game on
two feet.
Lacrosse is growing at a national rate of about 30%
per year. We see slightly faster growth than that
in TX, LA, and OK. One limiting factor is access to
playing fields since we compete directly with youth
soccer during the Spring. The other limit to our growth
is an adequate pool of qualified officials. The typical
game uses two officials while upper division college
games use three.
We have Men's Lacrosse teams for Under-15 "youth",
High School Junior Varsity and Varsity, two divisions
of colleges, and over-18 "club lacrosse". The regular
season begins in late January and continues until the
end of May. The national finals are always played on
Memorial Day weekend.
Southwest Lacrosse Officials Association (SWLOA) serves
Men's Lacrosse in Texas [Dallas, Houston, & Austin]
Oklahoma, and Louisiana [Shreveport & New Orleans].