Thread: troll
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Old Fri May 20, 2005, 06:39am
aevans410 aevans410 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 148
For those who don't know what a "Troll" is

Just for clarification.

Trolling on a message board is posting comments specifically designed to incite flaming.

For example

an anonymous poster comes in and says
"My daughter at there 13-15 game last night and she got hit in the hands. The unpire called a foul ball and made her stay in the box. Is this right?"

I come along , wanting to troll would say this.

"Hands are part of the bat, everyone knows that. What are ya stupid?" Trolls flame too, thats what they do. I would also make fun of the fact that the poster misspelled umpire and used the wrong version of "their, there, and they're" because being a troll automatically makes you an expert in typing and grammar.

Why would I do this? Because I get enjoyment in pi$$ing you off, and getting people like Tom, MC, Mike Rowe, and Darrell worked up and trying to get them to argue it. Of course, all of the above gentleman are way too smart to "feed the troll", Hence all the "Do not feed the troll" comments.

Sorry about the long post about what a troll is, but for some of those people who wants to know but is afraid to ask, there you go.

[Edited by aevans410 on May 20th, 2005 at 07:41 AM]
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