Originally posted by CoachJM
As a wise man once said "To err is human, to forgive divine".
I am confident that your compassion in this matter will not go unrewarded; I, on the other hand, have undoubtedly created some "bad karma" for which I will someday pay.
I am fairly new to FED and am having difficulty understanding some of the rules and interpretations. As Ozzy astutely points out, in some ways having learned under OBR can be an impediment to learning the FED rules.
One of the leagues I am currently coaching in says in one place in its rules that its games are played under FED. In another place it says they are played under OBR. In yet another section it says that the section specifying OBR takes precedence over the section specifying FED. Their umpire qualification test is based on FED. I don't think anybody actually know what rules we are playing under. Yet, we usually manage to play the games.
Such is life.
Until this week, I worked a league where they said they operated under Babe Ruth rules, and Fed rules, except where Babe Ruth superceded Fed, and, they had another list that were league rules that either superceded a Babe Ruth rule or a Fed rule. And in any rules discussion, as I was explaining what I thought the Babe Ruth/FED/League rule was on the situaion I would hear "that's not what was discussed in the coach's meeting", which of course, no umpires were invited to attend. And yes, we still managed to play the game, but they finally decided they did not like me enforcing their rules so I don't work there anymore.