Originally posted by CoachJM
I am fairly new to FED and am having difficulty understanding some of the rules and interpretations. As Ozzy astutely points out, in some ways having learned under OBR can be an impediment to learning the FED rules.
One of the leagues I am currently coaching in says in one place in its rules that its games are played under FED. In another place it says they are played under OBR.
Nuthin' wrong with your aura or karma. (
I am sure most cats will come to you.)
I assume you have Carl Childress BRD? My main partner does.
I have difficulty understanding the differences, but I have no need.
Regarding that league with the varying rules we have a Legion League that may shift from Fed to NL with Legion notes, because one of those teams plays more than a few Fed games a year. Since there are not many Fed rule books U.P. here, the NL/Legion stuff is the default.