Thread: Bad partner
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Old Wed May 18, 2005, 10:03pm
mick mick is offline
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Originally posted by ozzy6900
I just love when people who do not understand FED argue that FED is no good. It comes from those who try to do FED while corrolating everything to OBR. It's like trying to speak German while thinking in English - it just is not possible to do it correctly.

I had the same trouble years ago when I first learned FED. I cursed it up and down until I remembered the rule of language that I stated above.

Please, keep complaining, I am enjoying this!

I fail to understand why you would enjoy listening to the shortcomings of Fed Baseball.

It appears to me, an admitted Fed Baseball outsider, that a sub-average product has been developed and that rather than making it right (by offering better interps, better explained editorial changes), Fed lays back with the confidence of a king that believes he has a new suit.

If I worked Feb ball and I did not have an answer, I would not laze back and enjoy. I would find out the reasoning and either defend the practice... or call it what it is.

Apathy will not make Fed ball better.
Smugness will not defend ineptitude.
Failing to defend the indefensible is not a strength.

Help fix this thing you enjoy, so others may enjoy it more.
If you have questioned stuff and been appeased, share it.
If you haven't questioned stuff, then shame on your enjoment.

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