Nothing to be proud of, not by any means......but here in Ca., I got into an argument with girlfriend, children were present. Things were heated, she is swinging at me, kids get scared. Call the cops, I'm leaving the house(we were on 2 acres) and 1/4 mile down road. I go to jail, endened up pleading to a felony and misdemeanor child endangerment and just spent 5 1/2 months locked up. All we did was argue and she pushed and shoved, I defend myself and end up being locked up. At the time, I had just gotten released from hospital for ankle surgury, have a cast on one leg from foot to hip, 2 literal lag-bolts putting my ankle back together and I am a villian. Things said in front of kids was totally unacceptable(on my part), that part of punishment is deserved, but this state just tears guys apart for this "domestic violence" stuff. Now, some is very ligit, but damm, arguing???????
But we can go clock somebody with a bat on a field and face................nuttin.........Saw a news thing today, 5 year old brings a LOADED gun to school, 5th grader takes it to principal, gun owner faces a class c misd. and 500.00 max fine......go figure