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Old Tue May 17, 2005, 10:58am
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Perfectly good examples of why it IS the proper mechanic to call time after a play that included OBS, and announce the award, EVEN if the runner achieved or passed the award you were going to give.

Regarding the aforementioned live-ball appeal... this is a play on the OBS'd runner. Just like if they were tagged out before the base you were protecting them to, you call dead ball at the time of this appeal, and announce the base you are awarding. Runners are allowed ample opportunity to complete their baserunning responsibities when an award is made, and this includes returning to retouch a missed base (whether this missed base was caused by the OBS or not!). Once it's obvious the runner is finished running, THEN a dead-ball appeal can be heard if the runner never retouched.

If you disagree with any of this, PLEASE site the rule, and not just opinion.
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