Had a girls fast pitch game last night and little by little, I just kept screwing up. The first was an Infield Fly that I did not call. Bases were loaded and it was a blooper to 2B. High enough to be called. Just flat out missed it. I should've paid more attention to the situation at hand.
The next was a pitch that clearly hit the ground, then hit the batters foot. In my opinion, it wasn't enough to award first base. The batter even tried to reach down and stop the ball before it hit her. Therefore, no award... Few batters later, same thing. Ball hits ground, batter tried to bail out and it hits her foot. Again, no award, but looking back, it should've. This probably happened 5 or 6 times during the game. All, but the first, I think should've been awards to 1st that I did not give. I simply screwed up!
The last was a bases loaded, 1 out, infield fly that I did call. Pitcher drops the ball and runners advance. I see nothing wrong. A parent/fan yells to the pitcher, "through it to third, she didn't tag up". Now, I'm thinking to myself, did I miss something? Once the inning is over, I go to the coach and tell him that it should've been an appeal play. Coach says to me, "what do you mean, she dropped the ball". I told him that he was right and walked away thinking that I just put my foot in my mouth. Next time I should just shut my mouth.
All in all, finished the game without getting strangled. I feel like I just totally screwed up.
Thanks for listening....
ASA Cadet