Originally posted by Stripes130
[snip] Then two seconds later the defense throws her arms across, then I give a verbal warning to the team (recorded in the sorebook), hand the ball back to the inbounder and one second later...GUESS WHAT???? defense does it again. Now I believe I might be wrong in issuing a T for delay of game this time but I do it anyway because if they are silly enough to do the opposite of what you just told them not to do then they are surely not going to know the rule on T's.
Correct me if I'm wrong....I'm just thinking that they actually have to make contact with the ball or player, but on the other hand each time they cross the line I have to tweet and that's just a waste of time.
At some levels I may quietly warn 3 times before I make it official on a defenders throw-in plane violation, because when I record the warning, I am locking myself in for the rest of the game.
If I do see a potential (
borderline, 6-8 inches (i.e.hands, but no wrist)) violation, then I judge as to whether the thrower is being handi-capped by the defnders actions. (A narrow sideline may easily magnify any disadvantage to the thrower.)
I really don't want to make the warning, or the subsequent "T" call, unless it is very BIG and everyone in the gym can see it, because I don't like the penalty either.
Try, if you will, applying the advantage/disadvantage principle and you may find this an easier rule with which to live.