Originally posted by scyguy
FED 4-1-5 "The game begins when the umpire calls play after all infielders, pitcher, catcher and batter are in posisiton to start the game".
FED 5-1-4 "After a dead ball, the ball becomes alive when it is held by the pitcher in a legal pitching position, provided the pitcher has engaged the pitcher's plate, the batter and the catcher are in their respective boxes ...
So, we cannot start without a catcher and we cannot put ball back in play without a catcher.
The above rules cover making the ball live, but do not dictate what the catcher is allowed to do after that.
FED 6-1-1 states what the position of the catcher shall be at the time of the pitch... "The catcher shall have both feet in the catcher's box at the time of the pitch". This pretty much eliminates the catcher from becoming a fielder, since such action would be inherently dangerous.