Originally posted by Rackster
In Little League,when is a pitcher officially charged with an inning pitched? Is it when he throws his first warm-up pitch,when he is announced,or when he throws his first pitch to a batter? Under Official Regulations,section VI Pitchers,note 1 states "The withdrawal of an ineligible pitcher,after that pitcher is announced,or after a warm-up pitch is delivered,but before that player has pitched a pitch to a batter,shall not be considered a violation.Little League officials are urged to take precautions to prevent protests.When a protest situation is imminent,the potential offender should be notified immediately." Does this also mean if eligible pitcher B throws a few warm-ups,then then his coach decides not to change pitchers and sticks with pitcher A,pitcher B is charged with an inning pitched or am I just reading into the rule too much? Does anyone have a good way to keep track of pitchers innings worked or is it just an honor system type of thing? Thanks for any help you can give me!!
Rich is the LL guy, but I would say an actual pitch to a batter constitutes an inning pitched. Complications occur, I will throw you a curve ball. What if an existing pitcher takes some warmups and then coach decides to put a different pitcher in. How many warmups does new pitcher get? I had something similar today, the pitcher from last inning comes out, takes two warmups and is then replaced by a new pitcher.