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Old Fri May 13, 2005, 01:42pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Little Elm, TX (NW Dallas)
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Here's a few solutions.

1) work on truly training your umpires. Have actual clinics (not just the ASA certification "clinic"), weekly meetings, etc. Find things on this board and discuss them. Make up TWP's and discuss them. Whoever shows up should work more games.

2) make sure you're paying enough. My area doesn't - so I can't go recruit anyone from other areas that I see have some talent. I had a great guy lined up to work this year until my commish cut the pay. Then this guy laughed at me and said no-thanks.

3) make sure the UIC cares enough to watch other umpires, and schedule accordingly.

My association has plenty of problems with good umpires. Here are my umpires:

A - me (hopefully a rules-knowledgeable guy)
B - excellent umpire
C - pretty good umpire
D - friendly umpire who is inconsistent and never hustles.
E - 2nd year kid with no motivation other than his pay.
F - 1st year kid that hustles, asks questions, and really wants to learn.

A, B, F, and C get the most time on the field, in that order. D and E only when I'm stuck. Motivate the guys that try by letting them work more.
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