Thread: No Catcher
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Old Fri May 13, 2005, 12:21pm
TBBlue TBBlue is offline
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Originally posted by brainbrian
Nope, sorry boys. I'm a basketball referee. I umpired little league ball for a season and was terrible, so I stopped. Basketball is my true passion, haha. I just had a question.

One of my great baseball calls was bases loaded, batter hits the ball to an infielder who throws home and the catcher catches the ball standing on the plate for the force out. Then the player slides in and touches the plate, I call safe thinking the catcher didn't tag him.

Another time I yelled "out" but threw my arms straight out for the safe sign on a call at first.

And my strike zone... it varied from pitch to pitch.

I'll leave the baseball umpiring to you pros. So feel free to bring on the insulting comments, I'm sure their quite funny actually and I like to chuckle.
Nice stories.
I don't think these guys will insult you. You tried, you realized it wasn't for you, you admitted it here, and gave us some of your humorous mistakes. From what I have read over time, insults are saved for guys who don't realize they don't know something, but insist they know it anyway.
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