1 man crew for the JV portion of JV/VAR DH. I show up for JV game , walk out on the field and the coaches start arguing about game time. I mean a good old fashioned red faced spit flying shouting match. I felt since i walked on the field ,15 minutes before 1st pitch, I had the right to send them to their rooms till the managers meeting. i start the pre-game conference and they all start at it again. So I gave them all a team warning for unsporting behavior. Told them the next one to talk out of turn would be ejected. Solved the problem. Did i handle this correctly ?
SiTCH #2
varsity game-I am BU. Line drive to the gap, I buttonhook ,F3 OBS the BR , I give delayed dead ball signal. Behind me the third base coach,previous games JV coach, starts screaming thats INTERFERENCE, THATS INTERFERENCE. I mean he is screaming loudly. My question is should I have said something to him about trying to influence an umpires decision or would that have been looking for boogers ?