Originally posted by wadeintothem
Yesterday JV Game- i'm working alone.
Runner sliding into 3B, beets the ball but lifts her foot off the bag just as the ball gets there and gets tagged.
I ring her up.
I am pretty close to the play - about 7 ft away I guess- I had moved way up the line as quick as I could.
Head coach at 3B literally charged me, running at me, saying "What what I watched the same play as you."
I thought for a moment we would be fighting, I had no clue what the deal was with him.
I dont know why I didnt eject that guy and argument didnt go on very long.. but I was charged for the first time.
I couldnt think of anything while he was talking to me except "eject him" .. and I still didnt eject him.
I explained the call and that was it, and he was nice as pie for the rest of the game.. but I think that was the most ejectable thing I've seen that I didnt actually eject for.
Just thought I'd mention it.
It's great that the coach settled down after the explanation, but don't get comfortable with people coming at you. In the HS game, you should always have an administrator present to handle these circumstances, however, when working games of other organizations, it may be a different story.
In today's environment, you never know who is going to go off the deep end over something as trivial as a simple call at a sporting event. That in itself is a pity and an embarrassing reflection of our world.
When someone heads toward you in a charging fashion (and no, a coach running to get into an argument ASAP is not an excuse), you need to be wary, take a step BACK, not toward the oncoming individual. If there is plenty of space between you and him/her, hold up your hand, palm toward the individual and tell them to stop in a stern, but not threatening manner. Not "stop, or else", "stop, or you're gone", etc., just "STOP".
If you feel threatened to the point that you
need to take that step backward, you should probably get rid of that person AFTER s/he has stopped, been restrained or removed from the area. There is no benefit of being the nice guy. Be firm, decisive and in complete control of yourself and the game.
It is not unlikely that someone you dump for charging you will want to "talk it out". Never do this until after the game in an area away from the field and do not do it alone. If you have no partner or someone to support/witness the discussion, decline until a later date when it may be possible.