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Old Thu May 12, 2005, 02:54pm
gsf23 gsf23 is offline
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Posts: 566
I think the big difference is the distance between the unpires and the managers in baseball/softball.

Genrally, in other sports, coaches will have an official within talking distance to discuss a call. Football has an official at each sideline that coaches can talk to. In basketball you have to report to the table so the coach is right there and can talk to you. In volleyball the floor official is right next to the benches. In those sports you can get an explanation without going out onto the field/court.

In baseball/softball though, you are a pretty good distance away from a manager and about the only way he can discuss a call is to come out onto the field. In all seriousness, how many of you would walk over to the dugout if a mananger yelled out at you to come over there so he could discuss that last call with you? I wouldn't think that too many of you would.
"Booze, broads, and bullsh!t. If you got all that, what else do you need?"."
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