Originally posted by DG
You don't need 10 or 13 umpires, just one umpire and jury of 12, randomly selected from the fans present with a judge presiding. And you need two lawyers to argue, one for each side to argue their case for each call that is in question. The fans (jury) already know more than the umpires anyway so let them decide the tough calls. No more than 6 jurors from each side, and in the event of a hung jury the call on the field stands.
No doubt. At my regional final, as we were walking off the field a fan of the losing team told us we needed to go back to umpire school so we could learn about the game. Threw me for a loop as other than the plate umps strike zone being a little inconsistant there was nothing unusual on the field that occured other than a ball landing on the field when a pitch was happening.. The 1B ump called time which kiiled an 3-0 pitch that would have been ball 4. Pitcher came back and struck out the batter on the next 3 pitches. That sequence worked to the losing teams advantage. It was also the totally right call. I suppose it was our fault the starting pitcher for the losing team thru the ball away one time that allowed 2 runs to score. Maybe that is what she was talking about.