Originally posted by MrRabbit
I would never call time on the obstruction unless the batter runner is called out or I'm going to award bases beyond the base that the runner was on, it is not proper mechanics.
It is the proper mechanic. You cannot make an award during a live ball. You must kill the ball when all obvious play is done or the obstructed runner has been put out.
Also missing first on the obstruction does not give her second again if she does manage to retouch first safely. The runner must still run the bases in the proper manner. If I had called obstruction at first and the runner goes back to touch it and does not attempt second I will have a dead ball and award the base I think they would have obtained. The runner gives up second base were they failed to run the bases in the proper manner. So if she gets back to first safely on the missed base I'm leaving them there.
Well, it's your judgment, but if at the initial obstruction you believed the runner would have made 2B had the obstruction not occurred, that is where the runner should be placed. Believe it or not, there is no requirement for a runner to touch the bases when running them in legal order. They are subject to appeal, but that should not be part of your judgment as to how far the runner would have advanced had the obstruction not occurred.