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Old Tue Jul 31, 2001, 04:51am
Oz Referee Oz Referee is offline
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Unhappy Woops.... to clarify

Yes it was a long time ago, I believe it was in the mid sixties. I will try to find the actual article that I read.

As far as the horn sounding and the game being over, I spoke to a friend who read the same article and he clarified the scenario somewhat.

Apparently what actually happened was that Team A was down by 1 point, and on the buzzer attempted a shot. They were fouled and A1 attempted two free throws. He hit the first, made the second to win the game, and before the referees blew the whistle to end the game, the bench cleared onto the court.

I totally agree that to give a "t", although technically correct (pardon the pun), is a crock, and is an excellent example of poor judgement.

As soon as I find the article I will post it here.


Duane Galle
P.s. I'm a FIBA referee - so all my posts are metric

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