Originally posted by ElPanadero
I thought I read something about this subject in this forum, but I can't find it.
Can you or can you not pickoff from the windup position? In other words: the pitcher has both feet on the rubber, glove and ball in front of his body, he steps directly towards 1st base with his left foot (RHP) and throws to 1B. His pivot foot still on rubber. Picks off runner.
Is this legal? Is it a balk? Anybody???
When in doubt Go to the rule-book First
OBR 8.01
If a pitcher holds the ball with both hands in front of his body, with his entire pivot foot on or in front of and touching but not off the end of the pitcher's plate, and his other foot free, he will be considered in a windup position. From this position he may: (1) deliver the ball to the batter, or (2) step and throw to a base in an attempt to pick off a runner,
In FED, the answer is NO F1 must first disengage the pitcher's plate properly FED 6-1-1
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth