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Old Tue May 10, 2005, 10:33am
Striker991 Striker991 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 175
Cool Never ask, but....

After a foul ball, the batter turns to me and says that he hit the catcher's mit. If she did, it must have been close to the time that she hit the ball and it must have been just a glancing blow to the mit. I was about ready to say I didn't see it and you have to stay put when the catcher says that yes, indeed, she hit my glove. After picking my jaw up off the ground, I call time (I know, dead ball, not necessary, but I wanted the coaches to know it was my time-out and not an unnecessary delay on the foul). I go to my partner out of earshot of everyone and explain what happened. We agree that since they both said the same thing and the catcher even offered her view of the play without being asked, we would call the interference and award the base. I would imagine that the coach had a conversation with his catcher after the game...

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