Tue May 10, 2005, 09:13am
Get away from me, Steve.
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 15,785
Originally posted by LDUB
Originally posted by Thom Coste
Aww, gee, Garth. I was just waiting for an opportunity to award three bases when the pitcher fielded a sac bunt. You've spoilt my fun.
Funny you should bring this up. About 3 weeks ago I was working a highly competitive varsity matchup between 2 teams in the top 10 in the state. It was the bottom of the 8th inning with the visiting (defensive) team ahead by one run. So there is R1 with 2 outs, and an 0-2 count on the batter. F1 pitches, and the batter swings ans misses, and the teams assume the game is over. Wrong. I was fiercly yelling TIME and BALK. F1 had used a slide step, which devieated from his normal pitching motion. I sent R1 to second, and said no pitch. The next pitch hit the batter right in his head. I promptly ejected the pitching coach and the catcher, for they were the ones who most likely gave F1 the "throw at the head sign". I allowed F1 to stay in the game because someone else told him to hit the batter, it wasn't his fault.
So now we have R1 and R2 with 2 out. F1 threw 3 consecutive pickoff throws to first base. After the third one, I had had enough, so I ejected F1 from the game for delaying the game with his repeated throws. I had 3 other games to call that evening, and I didn't have any time that could be wasted by his throws.
The manager came out and asked what F1 did and I told him. Then he motioned for someone in the dugout to come out and pitch. He asked me how many warmup pitches the new guy gets, since he wasn't warming up before he was brought into the game. I informed the manager that he recieved no warmup pitches because the one minute time limit from timed from when I ejected F1 had passed.
First pitch by the new pitcher is a ball, next one strike. Count is 1-1 and B2 hits a schorching line drive right at F1's face. F1 managed to catch the ball in his glove, but he hurt his hand, so he took off his glove. As I was walking to the mound to take my position to observe the post game handshakes, I noticed F1's glove laying on the ground, and I picked it up. It was a brown glove, but inside the pocked the glove had some ware on it, which cause the palm area to become a dark tan color. Right away I announced that F1 was using an illegal multi-colored glove.
So I think to myself, how can I award bases, as the runners have all got in the handshake line? Then it came to me, I made everyone from both teams get back in the spots they were when the last pitch took place. I told F1 to pretend like he just pitched a ball. Then I threw him a ball, and yelled "The batter hit it!" F1 caught the ball, and I yelled "TIME!!!!!!" I awarded 3 bases to all, which put the home team up by 1, and the game was over.
When are you going to post your 10-man mechanics here?