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Old Mon May 09, 2005, 03:33pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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"Nope, if you make the award, you have already deteremined the runner has completed and is satisfied with her running requirements."

Not sure I understand your point here, Mike. When I make the award, I'm informing the runner (and her coaches) what base she is entitled to, due to the OBS. Your statement is confusing --- what if runner only made it to 2nd, and you award third? Surely making the award of third doesn't imply that I've "determined the runner has completed and is satisfied with her running requirements" So why would it imply that if the award happened to coincide with the base she attained.

What if she overruns my protection, and is safe anyway. Runner overruns/OBS at 1st base, I'm protecting to 2nd... ball gets away and she makes it to third. I still need to announce the OBS, and the award of 2nd base. She can stay at 3rd (and then be out on appeal at 1st) or she can (if the coach is smart, and saw the missed base) return, touch 1st, and go to her awarded base.

The award happens AFTER play has stopped, not during. The runner is then allowed "ample opportunity" to finish her baserunning duties before any appeal can be heard.

"During this 3-5 seconds, if the runner makes no attempt to return or coach makes no attempt to have her return," Why would runner return if you did not announce any award. Why would runner think that returning during a dead ball period is even allowed if you did not announce any award. Runner likely has no idea you called OBS, and even if she did --- if you don't announce the award, she has no idea where you are allowing her to go (even if she DID return to touch first). None of this sequence makes any sense.
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