Hey, everybody.
I just want to apologize to those I offended. I by no means meant anything derogatory toward anyone by my comments.
I think Camron described my sentiments best. If a white kid had said that to a black kid, and I was reffing, I would have thrown the kid out of the gym, if I could get the other player off him quickly enough. I guess the reason I mentioned it is sometime I'm not sure how those kind of comments are perceived by others. Since both players were black, I knew the term didn't carry the same intention, but as tomegun says, its a term no one should use.
Years ago, Richard Pryor had a short-lived variety show. In one skit, I can't remember it exactly, he played an old man who used the term several times in a monologue, then fell asleep. Either Richard Pryor, or another character, like I said, I can't remember, came on, and said the problem is, if you say it enough, no matter who you are, you start to believe it.
Again, I apologize. I was raised in the segregated south by a mom who tried her best to raise me to be colorblind. I try to do the same with my children. I guess I don't always do a good job.
If anyone wants to e-mail and discuss further, feel free to.
If you can't be a good example, then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.
- Catherine Aird