Originally posted by blueump
FED game last night, 2 man crew, I was BU. Nobody on...Fly ball between center and right fielders. We discussed coverage in pre-game and this is my ball. I go out as the center fielder makes a "Sportscenter" laid out attempt at the catch. My last view of the ball is as it goes clearly into his glove inches off the ground. He then rolls over on top of the glove (the glove hand is under him, then on the fence side) with his body completely blocking me off from any view of the ball, glove, or hands. He stays on the ground in a fetal type position for what seems too long (but makes no motion of digging for the ball, or picking up a loose ball off the ground) then stands up and shows me the ball in his hand.
I call a catch, and the opposing coach goes nuts.
The last view I had of the ball was in the glove. I never saw the ball loose, and the player never gave any indication that he lost control of the ball. That's why I called the out.
Now this is pure individual judgement, but....is there ever a specified amount of time that goes by before you start thinking that the ball was loose, or was trapped, or do you always go by sight alone?
You have to call what you see. That's the name of the game in umpiring.
You have to base that on sight and instincts.
That's why many umpires who might not have played the game or played very little sometimes struggle with umpiring, they just don't have the instincts like you described.
If he had dropped it there probably would have been some movement or arms etc., and many times the reaction of the other fielders will help in making your determination.
Sounds like a good job of umpiring for two man.