I don't think a coach should be allowed to rate officials. I haven't met too many coaches that knew the rules well enough to rate me on how well my rules knowledge is. I've never met one that could rate my mechanics. If they want me to flag holding on the other side of the field then it's obvious he knows nothing about mechanics. It's no different than allowing me to go grade a brain surgeon on his techniques. I know nothing about surgery so why should my grading hold any water. Same thing about a coaches rating. If he's doing his job as a coach then how would he be able to give a rating. We do let coaches fill out a rating card but in my association these cards don't have any bearing on our advancement or assignments. During a pregame meeting once, I noticed on the desk of the coach that he had already filled out the card prior to the game. Since were supposed to be honest, how about set up a system in which we grade ourselves.