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Old Thu May 05, 2005, 09:25am
danreeves1973 danreeves1973 is offline
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In the process of straightening up our storeroom at the local Dixie league fields I found an McGregor Chest protector we had that no one remember us ever buying. Cleaned it up, and its in good shape, harnass and pad are all solid, has extended arms and hard shoulder caps.

Question I have is about re-attaching the shoulders to the main chest pad. They were tied on with what looked to be shoelaces when I found it. Is there a particular type of cording or lacing that is used on this kind of protector to attach the shoulders back on, or would any heavy cord or lacing material, maybe parachute cord do the job?

Also, anyone ever seen a single bar face mask break or deform from a shot to the mask? Saw it this year. Not my mask thank God.
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