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Old Thu May 05, 2005, 01:36am
bigwes68 bigwes68 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 179
I've let a coach hold on to the baseballs once...and that was only because the field was wet (but playable) and we were having to throw out a new ball just about every other pitch. The coach had a towel and was doing his best to keep the baseballs dry. I'd rather hold onto them, but it was a matter of necessity and convenience for the coach to take care of them in this game.

Of course, this was the same game that ended up with a 15-14 score (I rang up a kid on a 3-2 count with the tying run at third and and the bases loaded to end the game), lasted 3 hours and 10 minutes, and my partner didn't show up so I ended up doing the game by myself. Plus, it rained intermittently throughout the game. The ultimate game from down below.
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