Thread: Idiot coach
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Old Wed May 04, 2005, 02:41pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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First - you've got my vote for the most redundant thread title ever.

Second - it's easy for me to sit here and say I would not expand my zone. I never have, and never INTEND to. I've been in sitches like yours, and never did expand my zone. But who's to know whether I'd have the convictions to stick by it when it's 25-0 in the 4th... 30-0 in the 4th... etc. I THINK I would keep my zone the same - but I was not there, and while I'd like to fault you for giving in, I can't find it in me to do so. In the blowouts I've been in, coach eventually tells the batters to swing, or losing coach cries uncle... or coach empties the bench, and the scrubs start making outs. At least ... so far.

One would hope that as coach saw his team was getting NO enjoyment out of the game, he'd loosen up the bats a bit. Perhaps it backfires --- the long long rest between innings makes his pitcher tire, and he has to go to someone else, blowing his shutout. Who knows. Or ... as the game gets longer and longer, he finally realizes the game will go past curfew (or light, if you have no lights), etc, and his AD will chew him a new one for causing him to pay the umpires twice (once now, once for the resumed game later).
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