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Old Tue May 03, 2005, 09:15am
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Pete, we've both been on the major umpire boards for about the same length of time.

I always appreciate your thoughts, questions and explanations. Those thoughts always add to the believability of umpires working non-professional games.

This post is important in that it asks a key question:

What makes umpiring so different than other sports officiating?

We see it in the discussions about the difference between "Rule Book Umpires/Letter of the Law Guys" and umpires that believe in calling by "common sense" or "fair play".

He11, we even argue about the differences of SOX worn under certain shoes!

Basketball officials point out often on this site that the umpire threads are the most interesting (funny) to read since we appear, to them, to argue the darndest things.

We do!

Maybe a series of articles or maybe a column could help discuss these type items -- I just wonder if anyone is savy enough to help both (all three?) types of umpires you list?

Very interesting thoughts, Pete.
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