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Old Mon May 02, 2005, 04:13pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally posted by mcrowder
Show my what rule allows us to call this kid out. Because despite the continuing motivation to call this kid out, no one could find a thing that would actually allow us to do so. JE is god. But everyone makes mistakes, and based on the wording of our actual rules, the only thing that allows us to call this kid out is the God rule, and I doubt that would hold up on protest.
Are you saying "show me in the rule book?" You would have to determine what is meant by "passing a fielder" and that requires interpretation, which Jim Evans has provided.

The intent of the rule is to protect a runner who isn't reasonably able to get out of the way of a batted ball, not provide a safe haven for runners.
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