Originally posted by mcrowder
If your scorekeeper is a home-team mom, then someone you have in an official capacity (essentially, someone who's supposed to be impartial) should not be in position to act only in one team's favor. Since I find it extremely unlikely that a home-team-mom scorekeeper would yell over to the visitor's team to alert them to a chance to get an out, it's not fair for them to be able to do so for the home team either. In fact, they are in a position to stop the BOO for the home team before a penalty is the result, if they are allowed to pipe up whenever they want. Neither situation is fair.
They are an official. They must remain impartial.
You have some good points.. its just so often the scorekeeper is some injured player on the bench, the 1B coach or whatever.. for total equity, it seems odd to selectively choose when to be hard and fast about this.
I do agree that normally, a score keeper should be silent. If the school/NFHS want this enforced to its full effect, they should hire a score keeper to be an official and disallow what I normally have. I cant walk around telling mothers of players, benched players and coaches to be quiet about an error and expect them to do that. Its just not reasonable. The visiting mom will have to handle the other side in most cases IMO.
But you have good points.
[Edited by wadeintothem on May 2nd, 2005 at 02:03 PM]