Originally posted by debeau
I cant add anymore as to previous answers .
But WOW !
Lets get some feedback as to why you didnt do the correct thing .
Why not a dead ball ?
Why is the batter out ?
Just curious ,this is basic stuff for an UMP and I think we need your thoughts
On the hit, hands did go up and a dead ball did occur.. The batter was not out on the hit, but she eventually did strike out on her own.
In as many innings, 4 batters were hit by the one pitcher and I think that a lot of us were concerned for the safety of the batters... Right, wrong, or indifferent and speaking for myself, I was bothered by the number of batters hit by a pitcher that could throw hard without any real control IMO.
This may be basic for you and a lot of other... and from previous threads it's obvious that there is no interest in a mercy rule for the batters facing pitchers that can't control their pitches. However, I got into softball only because of a shortage of umpires.
I have umpired in three different States in three years of calling. At least here in Montana I have not had to call a high school game by myself.. I did in the other two.. However some of my partners here have been as new to game as I.
This is the way it is... I'm not complaining (Too much) but between this forum, the study clubs I drive 60 miles one way each week to attend, and the software put out by Athletic Rules Study are allowing me to come up to speed as quickly as I can in a sport that I never played or knew anything about before three years ago... I also don't like to see people get hurt unneccessarily. These are my thoughts.