Reward the good play, and make the expected call... both are shameless cop-outs. You're basically saying that the call was so close that you have no freaking clue whether they were safe or out, so you go to your tiebreaker.
Garbage. Pure garbage. If a clinician has taught you this, he should be fired. If you have calls so close that you really can't tell so often that you need an axiom to give you that tiebreaker, then you simply aren't bothering to get into position. I'm sorry if I'm coming down hard on this. But it rewards laziness - and I hate umpire laziness.
Get yourself in position, see the play, and make the call. The fraction of plays that are TRULY too close to call is infinitesimal. Less than 1 per year. Make the RIGHT call, not the expected one.
[Edited by mcrowder on Apr 29th, 2005 at 03:04 PM]