"Reward the good play...."
I've always felt that this, and "call what's expected", are a bunch of garbage. Call what you see, NOT what the fans or coaches "expect".
"Good play": F6 goes deep in the hole, makes great pickup, throws off-balance to F3. BR beats throw by an eyelash. "Reward the good play", and screw the BR out of a hit. Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin.
"Expected": F6 brings ball down, but misses sliding runner by a foot. Call the "expected" out. No way.
Another of my pet peeves is: "The tag was high, blue". Who cares where on the body the tag was. Was the tag before the runner reached base, or after?
I had a men's slo-pitch game years ago. Runner trying for 2B, tag is made on the shoulder. "OUT." "The tag was high, blue." "Yes, but he's still three feet short of the base. He's out."
[Edited by bluezebra on Apr 29th, 2005 at 02:29 PM]