Bottom first...
Originally posted by rwest
Am I being too technical with the wording?
Originally posted by rwest
A) Hands apart; ball in hand. In one continuous motion, the pitcher brings her hands together above her head. She then, without pausing, separates her hands and delivers the ball. The hands are coming together at the top of her delivery. There is no pause after they come together. Legal or illegal?
Probably legal. Most umpire just enforce a "touch" - WMB has a way of calling (and teaching) this that I like - if the touch is inside the glove, legal; if it is merely to the outside of the glove, illegal....
Originally posted by rwest
B) Same scenario, but this time at the top of her delivery when her hands come togther, there is a distinct pause of at least 1 second.
Legal. The hands may be in motion during the bringing of the hands together; the "pause" is not required....
Originally posted by rwest
Does the pivot foot have to remain in contact with the plate during delivery or can they slide it along the ground?
A drag along the ground is legal so long as the push off is from the plate....
Originally posted by rwest
Also the rule book says that the pitcher must take a step toward the batter simultaneous with the release, however, I don't believe this is how it is called. The step is simultaneous with the delivery. I've never seen a pitcher step simultaneous with the release of the ball. They are always stepping with the forward movement of the arm.
"Release" in this rule is always taken to mean a "process" not an "instant in time." IOW, the delivery, not the exact point the ball leaves the hand.
[Edited by Dakota on Apr 29th, 2005 at 11:07 AM]