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Old Thu Apr 28, 2005, 07:40pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally posted by Camron Rust

Why does this ording not outrage everyone? I thought the goal was equality and hiring without regard to race or gender.

What if someone were to state that they were hiring in this order: 1. White Males 2. White Females 3. African-American Males 4. African-American Females. There would be no end to the ourage (and rightly so).

Why is discrimination right if it occurs in one direction bu not in the other?

What if the teams were required to have a composition that matched the area of the team. If that were the case, most teams would have to replace over half of their players.

All jobs...players, officials, coaches, etc. should be filled strictly based on ability...NOT gender or race...EVER.

Tell that to Ole' Miss several years back. They specifically and publicly asked for an African-American Head Basketball Coach. They wanted an African-American because of the school's history and racial tension. Most of the Mr. Basketball winners in Mississippi happened to be African-American. Being the flagship university for Mississippi and losing the top players to other state universities, the Ole' Miss made a decision to hire only an African-American as their basketball coach. Why, because an African-American in their mind would be better for the job trying to recruit and create and environment for African-American players. Ole' Miss hired and African-American coach and he worked there for several years. I think his replacement was African-American as well.

Qualifications are always subjective. If I run a school district in a largely Hispanic community, I know I would rather have Hispanic teachers than a white male if I had a choice to teach those kids. I think assigns look at this the same way. You do not have to like it. But it is the reality. I know if I want to hire a contractor to work on my house, I know I can pick only African-American contractors if I am spending my money. I can hire any independent contractor I like.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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