Originally posted by mick
I was told at a brief clinic last night:
When a coach argues Balls and Strikes from the bench:
1st Time -> Ignore
2nd Time -> Acknowledge
3rd Time -> Warn
4th Time -> Eject
If the coach comes onto the field to complain -> Eject immediately.
In the 6th inning of a game last Friday I call a Ball, and hear "Blue, has the strike zone changed in the late innings" out of the right side dugout. I turn to look and the head coach is 10 feet out of the dugout in my direction. I asked "are your arguing strikes and balls" and he says "well I guess I am". So I say "well you are restricted to the dugout for the rest of the game". This is not an ejection offense in my state, but one to restrict to the dugout. If the coach is on the field eject or restrict, whatever is appropriate for your area.