travesty referance is the rule put into place to prevent players from playing the game in such a way as to mock or riducule the rules of the game. it was originaly add due to a player who would steal second then steal first so he could steal second again.
in referance to 6.06c: it talks about a batter leaving his box to cause interfeence in a play, though in this case we belived not as much the batter but the coach taking advatage of his batter to slip a "fast one" over on the other team by observing what was happening and taking advantage of it.
this is what im refering to since this is a particapation leauge and considered a teaching leauge for players and coaches(i.e.: several warnings on balks, explanationof whats done wrong, help in appealing the right way.) does that clear up our thoughts or should we have simply let it slide.