Originally posted by MacCub
Thanks for the quick answer. Does anyone know if the IHSA rules are the same - I.e. NO step-back. I have been told IHSA - Allows the pitcher to step-back with non-pivot foot. The rule reference would be helpful also.
Additionally - what is the justification for allowing a step-back or NOT allowing a step back. Where is the advantage to the pitcher or dis-advantage to the batter/runner?
(Illinois High School Association - charter member of the National Federation of State High School Associations)
Illinois most likely follow NFHS rules for HS softball. NFHS
does allow the step back by the pitcher. I don't have the book handy to provide a reference, but I'm sure someone will be along with the rule soon.
I have been told that the justification for this is that HS rules are written to encourage participation by as many students as possible and by allowing the step back, it makes pitching easier.