Thread: Strike Zone
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Old Tue Apr 26, 2005, 09:13am
David B David B is offline
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Re: Nope, haven't moved.

Originally posted by Stripes1950
If you have been calling this way for 20 years, why has the complaining just started? Have you moved from one part of the county to another?

Still doing games for the same schools. I noticed that the coaches have changed. I think that a lot of the umps up here are calling wide and low strikes. The complaining seems to happen when I am PU for the 2nd of DH. I do call corners for strikes. I don't call a low strike. I received a "complaint" last week from a coach when I called a ball on a pitch outside in the other batters box. He said, "The catcher didn't even move his glove!" I hadn't really noticed where the catcher setup. I don't call according to anything but where the ball is when it crosses or comes near the plate. At any rate, thanks for the replies. I can deal with it. I just wondered if others were dealing with the same issue.
Maybe the coaches have changed, but what I've seen the last few years in our area is that too many umpires are calling low strikes.

The pitch that is three inches below the knee but F2 catches it cleanly and many umpires want that to be a strike.

And of course the coaches want it called. I've had three playoff games in the last week, and in every game during the first inning I had to listen to coaches and fans complain about "that's right at the knees" strikes.

After an inning or so, they realize that it's not being called and not a peep from anyone.

One coach (who has won three state championships) did peep as he moved to his box, "lets' don't squeeze it now, we need those strikes".

I grinned. What he was really saying was 'my pitcher can't throw strikes and I need all the help I can get.'

If you're getting complaints I would look at your stance and other factors. Maybe you have changed something that has affected your zone. It sounds to me that you are calling too many high strikes.

In our world, we like to keep it below the hands which is below the letters. And for sure, don't call the loopy curve ball that is caught below the letters etc.,

Good luck

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