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Old Mon Apr 25, 2005, 02:22pm
Ed Maeder Ed Maeder is offline
Never Stop Learning
Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 518
Yes you can do that but right away when you put the DP in to play defence for the Flex, the flex has left the game. They may re-enter to run for the DP when they reach base,but when they are taken back out of the game for the DP to play defence for them they can no longer enter the game because they have used up their one re-entry for that player. The Dp also will have used up their one re-entry after they have come back to play defence after being replaced by the runner. If you have other legal subs then you would have to sub for the flex to run for the DP next time or after the Dp has come back to play defence and is taken out again they can no longer enter. All of these changes also need to be announced to the Plate Umpire or they would be considered un-announced substitutions. I think I covered all the bases on this,please let me know if I didn't.

[Edited by Ed Maeder on Apr 25th, 2005 at 05:24 PM]
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