"Defensive team's coach appeals to PU, PU & FU meet, and PU calls runner out.
Terrible mistake(s)! When PU is first approached by coach his first, and only words are "Not my call, Coach!"
If coach gets the message and goes to BU and give him a valid request to discuss the play with his partner (ie., BU out of position, ball was dropped, etc) then BU may decide to talk to partner.
Whatever the decision, it is the BU's to call. The PU should never over-rule the call.
1. Can this play be appealed?
Technically, not an appeal. (See below.) The coach should request of the calling umpire to discuss the play with his partner IF the coach can provide a legitimate reason that the calling ump was unable to make the correct call. (Umpire judgment NOT included!)
2. If not, can the call/game be protested by offensive coach?
NO! Lousy umpire procedures are not protestable. And you don't have a rule violation.
3. What play's (according to ASA) can be appealed?
Leaving early on a caught fly ball; missing a base; attempting to go to 2B after over-running 1B; and BOO. That's it; those four are universal in most rulebooks.