Originally posted by JRutledge
The NF has not addressed this kind of action (at least in the casebook they have not). I have a hard time trying to translate NCAA rulings to NF games or rules.
I would be in big trouble if I tried to apply most NCAA rulings to HS. But I think I understand the logic the NCAA is trying to use in this case, which is the game is meant to be played with the hands, not with the legs. It was just giving an example of using the legs without actually "striking" the ball. I would think the NF would be using this same logic as well. Now we're back to the well-worn discussion of just because a set of rules does not specifically outlaw an act, does that mean it is actually allowing it? It would be interesting to get an opinion from the NF - anyone have a direct line to Mary Struckoff? From a practical standpoint, I'm not sure I've ever actually seen this situation happen, because usually the player on the ground is trying to grab the ball with their hands as well, and not just trying to hold on with only their legs. So, like you said, it would have to be real obvious what's happening to make that call.