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Old Thu Apr 21, 2005, 11:27am
zebraman zebraman is offline
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge

It might have been judgmental to call you an "internet official," but in most of our contact with each other, that is exactly what you sound like.

Yes, it was judgemental. And presumptive. I'm not going to list how many times I've been to state or how many state championships I've worked. What purpose would that serve? Not even sure what an "internet official" is.

For someone that has no idea the respect I get as an official or a human being, you have some balls telling me what decency is.

I didn't try to define decency. For the last time.... it takes more communication skills and intelligence to get a point across and be helpful to an official without using the F-bomb. People with good communication skills understand that point. I'm in a mentoring position in my assoc and have had many officials thank me for giving them things to work on in an encouraging and helpful style. Then they tell me about some of the jackasses (their words, not mine) who make them feel like little kids being berated by their fathers. They tell me it goes in one ear and out the other when they get that kind of input. For the most part, officials are adults. Any reason not to treat them like adults? I suppose only if you aren't a good enough communicator to get your point across in a positive way.

Especially when you have shown none here when issues that I feel are important are expressed.

I've agreed with you on many issues. I've disagreed with you on many others. So sorry if your little feelers got hurt when I didn't give you enough props on some of your manifestos.

All you do is come around and tell people what offends you and how bad of a person they are. So what goes around comes around.

Like I said in my previous post, I didn't say this person was a bad individual. From their actions described, they just apparently have trouble communicating and are forced to swear and threaten to get their point across.