Thread: craziest play
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Old Thu Apr 21, 2005, 06:44am
rwest rwest is offline
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Location: Suwanee Georgia
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My craziest play

SP ASA. Tie ball game. We're in the bottom of the 7th or 8th inning. I can't remember which. The lead off batter hits a shot off of the fence for a stand-up double. The next batter, a guy, is intentionally walked. The batter after him is a girl. No, this is not Co-ed, but they were down 2 players so they picked up two girls. This is legal by league rules.

The walked batter is furious. He's making comments like, "You're a sorry team, walking me to get to a girl. I'd never play on a team like that." So what happens next, the girl gets a base hit. Now we have bases loaded. I'm thinking to myself, game over. The winning run is 60 feet from home plate. The batter who was walked is now at 2nd and he's still mad. He's jawing with the 2nd baseman.

Of course y'all probably know what's going to happen next. Yep! A triple play.

The 4th batter of the inning hits a line drive to the 2nd baseman. He catches the ball. The runners at 1st and 2nd are off the bag. The 2nd baseman steps on 2nd for out number 2 and throws to 1st for out number 3. UGH! The game went 9 innings and the visitors won!

Oh, and this was a Saturday game during the heat of the day in July! It had to go 9! I was tired after that game.

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