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Old Wed Apr 20, 2005, 02:25pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by David B

I am simply an umpire like you; however, I don't think I was attacking your character, just your interpretations.

I have yet to read a rule out of any of your posts except for Rule 10 which is a scapegoat rule for umpires.

Obviously you guys must play a little different brand of baseball than we do as we have coaches switch pitchers all the time and ask if the pitcher going to F6 or F5 can take a few throws.

Stop adding stuff to the discussion. I am not debating every single situation with players warming up. We are not talking about a sub warming up, we are talking about warming up (or what I take away from the question) just as apart of a conference. If that is what is taking place, I am not allowing that. If there is a substitute, that is another issue and I have a different attitude.

Originally posted by David B
Just because you haven't seen it happen doesn't mean it is a part of the game on a regular basis.

I hope that my posts did not offend anyone else, but I have a problem with umpires wanting to skirt around the issue and then use Rule 10 to get around the issue.


All sports I work have a rule like I references. In my soon to be 10 years of officiating sports, there have been situations that have come up that no rule specifically covers. If something becomes a problem or a trend, the rules committees create rules that cover those situations. You do not have to accept my opinion on this, but if something is not covered specifically by the rules, I and any other umpire has the right and duty to come up with a solution. What if the other coach complains and makes a big deal out of this action? You are going to have to tell the coach something. You have to have some reason for applying your application of this procedure. If you feel warming up is within the bounds of a conference, you better have some justification for backing that up. In my opinion that is what Rule 10-2-3g is for. You sure have not shown me anything other than your own common sense and what you think is right to allow this.

No one is skirting the issue by quoting 10-2-3g; I dealt with it head on. You have a right to no agree with that ruling. I do not have to work with you either. My opinion is just that, an opinion. I cannot get umpires to apply rules that are clearly stated in the book and are applied by everyone but them. This is not a problem where I live, nor is essential umpiring a game. I gave you my take on a very unusual situation and you have done nothing but tell me I am wrong. You have shown no rule to contradict the situation that deals with the specific situation. All are doing is telling me I am wrong. Well that does not work with me. Sorry, it just does not.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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