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Old Mon Apr 18, 2005, 03:42pm
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally posted by mcrowder
So if your zone is still 17", but you're not calling pitches on the inside corner when F2 sets up outside, I assume this means your zone extends outside past the glove a bit.

Now, same catcher sets up inside, so you give him a couple of extra inches inside while taking away a bit outside.

How the heck are batters to know what you're going to call a strike? So, now, they need to get into the box and watch the catcher to figure out where the zone's going to be for that pitch? Do we not see the problem here - essentially the batter now has to protect 25-30 inches across. Don't you think that's a bit much?
I don't give the catchers much inside -- maybe a ball's width. I may give 2 ball widths outside. We're talking about the rare pitch where the catcher has to dive back to catch the ball, not every third pitch. It's an aberration, not the norm.

And in most HS games, I'm calling as many strikes as I can, so this doesn't really pertain there, either. I'm talking top level HS and college games for the most part.

Anyone who calls a 17" zone in HS games is missing a lot of strikes.
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