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Old Mon Apr 18, 2005, 03:15pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
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It is up to the umpire to allow it or not allow it. This is not a one size fits all application. First of all this is a safety issue. What if one of those players throws the ball and misses their target? You have umpires and possibly runners that have to dodge a ball they ordinarily would not have to worry about. The very reason during the pregame meeting the players are not allowed on the field is so the umpires and coaches do not have to dodge balls flying at them. I would use the same logic here.

Also, it is not your responsibility to keep players from getting hurt. That is not our job. If players are not warmed up before the game, that is there fault and the coaches fault. The rules are specific on what is allowed to throw the ball around and those mainly apply the pitchers. I have in my career allowed fielders to throw the ball around, but it is not required. I know I do not get paid enough money for medical expenses if I get hit or I do not want to pay lawyers to defend myself if someone else gets hit. Until the NF uses such a rule to restrict or allow such a situation, then I am going to use my discretion. For me this is not about a delay, this is about safety (mainly my own).

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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